Building Technology & Innovation
New Product Adoption in Housing, Guide for Manufacturers, January 2010 (PDF, 356KB)
New Product Adoption in Housing: Guidance for Manufacturers, September 2007 (PDF, 1.1MB)
Information Technology Status Report - February 2005 (PDF, 355KB)
Technology Scanning: Finding New Ideas for Housing, May 2004 (PDF, 1.5MB)
Information Technology to Accelerate and Streamline Home Building, 2002 (PDF, 395KB)

Disaster Mitigation
Strategies for Incremental Reconstruction of Disaster Damaged Homes, April 2012 (PDF, 1MB)
Safer, Stronger Homes: Reducing Your Risk During A Natural Disaster, November 2011 (PDF, 5MB)
Strengthening Residential Roof Assemblies: Adhesive Tape Field Trial, December 2008 (PDF, 230KB)

Durability by Design: A Professional's Guide to Durable Home Design, 2nd Edition, October 2015 (PDF, 9.32MB)
Today’s new homes are built with sustainability, energy efficiency, and innovative technologies. However – it’s a home’s durability that makes these other goals possible. Even the most efficient or green home won’t perform up to expectations unless it’s designed and built to manage bulk water, water vapor, insects, corrosion, and other elements that can break down homes over time.
Durability by Design (2015) updates the original HUD guide of the same name. This critical update covers key changes to home building over the past decade, driven by energy codes, new materials, and other market drivers. Read more...
A Guidebook for Moisture Control in Homes, March 2006 (PDF, 2.3MB)
Building Moisture & Durability - Final Report, October 2004 (PDF, 1.0MB)