Codes and Standards
Newport Partners has extensive experience working on code and standards development. We have served on standard development groups, attended governing body’s meetings on behalf of a client, and analyzed codes and standards for clients. Newport has experience with all major code bodies, such as the IRC, USGBC, and ASHRAE.
Newport's Code and Standards services include:
Code Development
Code Change Advocacy
Research and Analysis for Product Impact
Code Training and Support
Code Training and Support
Contact us if you are interested in our services.
Newport Partners offers training, education, and support services to various clientele. We have developed and delivered over 300 training sessions to building code officials, builders, remodelers, design professionals, municipal officials, planners, and real estate professionals. Our extensive experience allows us to understand the best practices and techniques to develop an effective, informative resource for the intended audience.
Newport Partners has developed and delivered trainings on a wide variety of topics, including but not limited to:
Building and Energy Codes
Above Code Programs (DOE Zero Energy Ready)
Lighting Technology and Controls
Construction Best Practices and Techniques
Construction Innovations
Fire Safety and Residential Sprinkler Systems
Impact Fees
Transit Oriented Development